B-Side . . .

We're located in the Front Range (Denver/Boulder) area of Colorado . . .

If you see us, tell us - we'd love to know what's working & what's not . . .

Here's hoping that you find what you need . . .


Timeless memories spawned via "the Vibe" . . .

We are Human . . .
Whatever we feel, we share . . .
The tunes that have touched us over the years will get played, then forgotten - as we flashlink to other bright & shiny things . . .
But, when we hear that touch again, and feel that burned-in memory - oolala!

Okay - whatever . . .

B-Side strives to ignite those blue-fire memories as an exercise in common history. Those influential tunes (& the vision of the original creators) can be primal, can be important . . .

Of course, new hits (plus, obscure band favorites) will certainly creep into the set lists . . .
With an accent on "creep" (c'mon, you know these guys) . . .

Notes & Trivia . . .

We are very curious as to the "sensibilities" of our oddly eclectic audience, so we welcome any and all chances to connect with you . . .

Keep us posted with the many ways in which you experience Life. How music affects you is the backbone to our shared experience . . .

Feel free to mention us in your blog, tag us on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram, or e-mail us with reactions, suggestions, or even aimless conversation . . .

And, of course, photos from shows are always welcome . . .

Facebook . . . Instagram . . . Twitter . . .