Flying Dutchman Productions . . .
Graphic Design, Production Art, Prepress . . .
A Portfolio is an incomplete chronicle . . .
For instance > on-site projects (print or web) involve work-for-hire restrictions, copyright relinquishment, plus proprietary info liabilities. But, at the end of the day, employers are satisfied > you have steady(?) income, AND some self-respect . . .
But, obtaining copies (esp. digital) for "the artist"?
Quite rare . . .
Of course, freelancers have a related production landscape, esp. copyright relinquishment & proprietary info liabilities - then there's dealing with the IRS & the 1099 "benefits desert" . . .
Ultimately though, if clients are satisfied & folks realize continued value for said services, invoices are promptly answered. Examples exist, as do the relatively raw, opening design gambits that aren't fleshed out with paying interest, i.e. ice-breakers > providing clients some choice in direction . . .
Stuff of Legend?
Nah . . .
But, such efforts do yield insight as to the designer's natural talent, inate flexibility — and stopping power. Just not suitable subjects for the spotlight — "The Process" isn't viewable . . .
Yeah, yeah . . .
Doesn't everyone's personal/professional history have a bit of, "what was THAT all about"?
We DO assimilate the Past . . .
While creating a fresh, vibrant Future . . .
page layout & design,
through prepress . . .
The Weekly Fisherman
– Archive –
THE news digest out of
the Florida Keys
- 2009 > 2010 -
From Flash
into Animate
Flying Dutchman Promo
Celebration of Life
- no AI involved -
The Legend of
the Flying Dutchman
"On-Site" CV

A Working Theory . . .
Style & consistency will help establish the client's branding . . .
The client's overall approach as a "benefit" must be apparent to their customers, who will then absorb said brand > creating a working relationship . . .
Marketing possibilities become easier sells vis-a-vis that Presence - that feeling of a shared awareness that identifies & solves a problem, or eliminates a need . . .
Said Style may well be the symbiotic clincher that creates a long-term relationship in a saturated, competitive landscape . . .
And, of course, those "clinched" become monetized assets (certainly a relationship befitting the term "well-designed") . . .